
What is the skill approval process for AI skills/chatbot?

Last modified: July 28, 2023
Excelify Creator Center implements a skill approval process to uphold the quality and reliability of AI skills. Here's how the skill approval process works:
  1. After ensuring satisfactory skill performance, navigate to the skill details page.
  2. Please review all the skill information, instructions, input examples, and output examples to ensure they align with your requirements.
  3. If everything looks good, click the "Submit for Approval" button to initiate the skill submission for review.
  4. The Satellitewriter.com team will carefully review your skill submission. The duration of the review process may vary depending on the volume of submissions received.
  5. You will be notified of the successful approval if your skill is approved. This grants you the right to resell and use the skill on your password-protected website.
  6. If your skill requires further improvements or adjustments, the Excelify team will provide feedback and instructions. Follow their guidance to refine your skill and make the necessary enhancements.
  7. Once you have addressed the feedback and refined your skill, you can resubmit it for approval.
By following this skill approval process, you can ensure that your AI skill meets the necessary standards and gain the ability to resell and utilize it on your password-protected website.
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